The Podiatrist magazine for The Royal College of Podiatry has a regular infographic spread, but this one was a little different as they decided to use it to create a quiz for their readers

For this feature in Energy Focus magazine i put together the main images in illustrator and created the info graphics for the boxouts

For this feature in Energy Focus magazine i put together the main images in illustrator and created the info graphics for the boxouts

A selection of infographic pages i designed for British Horse- The British Horse Society, S&PA Professional - The sport &physical activity industry magazine and The Planner - The business monthly for planning professionals

A selection of infographic pages i designed for British Horse- The British Horse Society, S&PA Professional - The sport &physical activity industry magazine and The Planner - The business monthly for planning professionals

Readership surveys are very popular in membership magazines, I created this spread from the results for the The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries magazine, The Actuary

Acuity journal is always a challenging task to illustrate their stats without defaulting to using pictures of eyes every time

Acuity journal is always a challenging task to illustrate their stats without defaulting to using pictures of eyes every time

IATA’s Airlines magazine required me to think up many different ways of illustrating similar subject matter in each issue

IATA’s Airlines magazine required me to think up many different ways of illustrating similar subject matter in each issue

Working on the graphics desk at The Sun requires me to come up with ideas fast and work at speed in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

Working on the graphics desk at The Sun requires me to come up with ideas fast and work at speed in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

Features showing data are common in the cycling magazines. The graph and table I created in Indesign and the map I plotted in Illustrator on a downloaded map from memory map

Features showing data are common in the cycling magazines. The graph and table I created in Indesign and the map I plotted in Illustrator on a downloaded map from memory map

This was a regular feature where I Photoshopped the workings of the body onto cyclists to illustrate the text

This was a regular feature where I Photoshopped the workings of the body onto cyclists to illustrate the text

An opener was needed for this fitness feature I was designing so I Photoshopped the muscles onto the cyclist to show what areas would be targeted by these exercises

An opener was needed for this fitness feature I was designing so I Photoshopped the muscles onto the cyclist to show what areas would be targeted by these exercises